
I find impressive my ability to lose my sobriety.
Not just drinking, I get drunk me easily.

Usually with revolutionary ideas. The boundaries disappear and dreams are born. What's the problem, then? Lacks courage. Yes, courage. It is amazing reading stories of overcoming, stories of people struggling and slowly fulfilling their dreams and achieving success through the adversity. While observing from far the dreams of others, is very easy to feel jealous, but what do we do to achieve our own goals? Sit and wish to have the happiness of others is ridiculous, hypocritical, mean and low.

Who achieve is not afraid. Take risks. And suffers.

I guarantee that anyone who leaves everything behind to live the dream, suffers. Lies down at night and may come to regret. After all, "the tigers come at night". Well... I also assure that the view of this tiger changes as soon as who risks see the light of day, and are doing everything (s)he always wanted is surely rewarding. The tiger, then, turns into a companion chap.

Inertia is comfortable, stay in the common place is comfortable. However, those who accomplish things, don't follow the flock; sitting at home whining about the live problems don't conquer anything. Depression maybe.

We are prisoners of our own misery. During life we are always taught to compete, many of us get stuck on this part forever; want the best car, the best body, the best clothes, the best home. Just to show off to others. Here comes the misery of those who compete and do not actually live or enjoy life - they start to crave what have those who have freed themselves from this assembly line. Are you dissatisfied? Change. Do not live with jealousy, or at least understand that you hadn't the guts to drop the sweet candy of comfort. Be happy for others and take off this burden that was placed your back. You don't need it. You can be happy with you have, you also don't have to drop everything and go to the world, sometimes people are not the adventurous type. We do not exist to please anyone. Please yourself. You're the master of your life, it's somehow ridiculous to say that, but you're the one to do things for you.

I still have much to deconstruct. I know what are my goals and my dreams right now. But it can change, too. This blog is an attempt to achieve one of those. But sometimes laziness gets me, sometimes the fear of change makes me stay in the comfort zone. But we need to take risks, invest time, lose the line.

All we need to know is that we are neither worse nor better than anyone else, everyone is capable of the same way, some are more dedicated.

Humility is the word of the day because, for a long time I did not know the real meaning of that word. Knowing that we are not BETTER than anyone is not the whole meaning of this word, but knowing that we are also not worse than anyone - not worse for not having achieved or accomplished certain thing or goal. When we feel worse, we are comparing ourselves. Who compares is secretly desiring to be "better". What is better, anyway?

Be the best you can be for yourself. Be happy.
Battle. All the people out there are giving their best every day. You're not alone, so think carefully before envy, before contributing to a vicious rumor spread (you could be next).

Accept yourself. You do not need to prove anything to anyone, you should be happy and satisfied, even if that satisfies you is not much in others point of view.

Get drunk from life, anything.

My problem lately is putting back my feet back on the ground. I have friends who help me. Flying is important, but it is also important that you do not go crazy; know how to land.

Enough for today.